A lot of people deal with dandruff from time to time. It is one of the most common disorders of the scalp that affects people worldwide. Dandruff can be defined as having flaky skin on one's scalp that falls off or can be seen on the hair as a white residue. It can look bad aesthetically and might also cause the itchiness of the skin [1].

Sometimes, people suffering from dandruff can also develop hair loss. In such cases, it is evident that a person will relate the two conditions and believe that dandruff is the cause of hair fall. But is this true?
There is a lot of confusion regarding the relationship between dandruff and hair fall. Let us debunk the myths in this article.
What Causes Dandruff?
Dandruff is a form of seborrheic dermatitis that can be considered noninflammatory. As described, dandruff is flaky skin on the scalp, but the condition is not contagious. Dandruff can range from mild to excessive depending on the reason [2].
Dandruff can be seen on the head and other parts of the body with hair growth such as eyebrows, mustaches, beards, etc. There are many causes of dandruff, and some of the most common ones include:
- Dry Skin- One of the most common reasons for developing dandruff is having a dry scalp or skin and a lack of moisturization. It is seen that most people will build dandruff in winters because of the increase in skin dryness during the season.
- Unsanitary Habits- Build up of oil in the scalp can also lead to dandruff. People who do not wash their hair regularly or properly with good shampoos can develop dandruff as well. However, shampoos specifically designed to prevent dandruff can help relieve this condition.
- Yeast Infection- The above two are the most common causes of dandruff. However, yeast infection can also lead to dandruff. Malassezia is a fungus that is present on all scalps. Some people develop sensitivity to the fungus, and hence their skin starts to flake off and feel inflamed or itchy [3].
- Allergies- Allergic reactions to the skin on the scalp can also lead to dandruff. However, in this case, you will also experience itchiness and inflammation.
- Disease- If your dandruff problem is not resolved using anti-dandruff shampoo or routine cleaning, it might be due to some underlying medical conditions. The most common one is seborrheic dermatitis. Other diseases such as psoriasis and eczema can also cause flaky scalp [4].
What Causes Hair Fall?
A person loses about 100 hairs every day. However, if you think that the hair falls you experience is more than this, then it can be due to the following reasons:
- Hormonal changes- The first reason can be hormonal changes. Hormones impact the hair follicles directly, and any hormonal change can lead to thinning of hair [5]. This is especially seen in women during events such as pregnancy, menopause, post-childbirth, after developing thyroid problems, while dealing with PCOS, and much more.
- Medical conditions and related medicines- Various medical conditions such as alopecia areata, trichotillomania, and much more can also lead to hair loss in both men and women. Apart from this, certain medicines or medical therapies, including radiotherapy, also lead to hair loss.
- Stress- Another major factor for hair loss is constant stress or trauma. This kind of hair loss is reversible, and the hair loss can be seen several months after the stressful event has passed [6].
- Using hair styling products- A widespread reason for hair fall is using the wrong hair products. From shampoos to conditioners or sprays, each of these can harm the hair. Also, excessively styling the hair can lead to damage to the follicle. Using heat on the hair can also lead to hair loss.
- Hereditary factors- In some cases, the hair fall is just genetic caused by androgens. Androgenic alopecia or male and female patterned baldness is the primary reason for hair fall in most men and women [7].
- Unhealthy diet- Having lousy food habits can also be one of the reasons for hair fall. People suffering from malnutrition often develop thin and brittle hair [8]. People who do not eat enough vitamins, minerals, and proteins in their diets can also experience hair fall.
Apart from these, many other factors can lead to hair loss. However, dandruff is not any of them.
The Connection Between Dandruff and Hair Loss
Although dandruff and hair loss can sometimes come together, no research proves a direct relationship between the two. Dandruff can cause itching in the hair, sometimes leading to scratching on the scalp and damage to the hair follicles [9]. This can eventually cause hair fall, but it is not directly linked to it.
Furthermore, dandruff is also related to other skin conditions such as fungal infections or psoriasis, leading to hair loss. Moreover, people who suffer from androgenetic alopecia can lead to excess oil build-up on the scalp. People who do not wash their scalp properly can develop dandruff and hair loss.
So, as we can see, mild dandruff does not relate to hair fall directly. However, if it causes excessive itching or is related to any other skin condition, there is a possibility of its indirect association with hair fall.
How To Control Dandruff Related Hair fall?
Here are some things that you should do to control hair fall as well as dandruff on your scalp:
- Wash your hair with a good shampoo that removes all the sebum and oil from the scalp. This way, your scalp will stay clean, and there will be no oil build-up and no dandruff.
- If you have a dehydrated scalp, use a moisturizing conditioner, and less frequent shampooing is better for you. You can also try medicated shampoos and conditioners if the problem with dandruff persists [10].
- If dandruff also comes with itchy skin and redness or irritation, seek immediate medical attention from your dermatologist. The itchiness and irritation can also be due to using any new product or allergy in the scalp. If the condition remains for over two days, get it checked by the doctor.
- If you are suffering from diseases of the scalp, you must use medication to control the disease.
To Sum Up
In conclusion, dandruff and hair fall when these happen together can become misleading and make people inclined to believe that both conditions are somehow related, but this is not always the case. As seen above, having dandruff does not mean you will suffer from hair fall. Hair fall is caused due to a variety of factors.
The only way dandruff can cause hair fall is by causing itching of the scalp, resulting in hair-pulling. If you are experiencing excessive hair loss over time, you should consult your dermatologist and check whether you have any medical condition. As for dandruff, it can be easily treated with some over-the-counter shampoos and conditioners and maintain proper scalp hygiene.