Testosterone Boosters - How Do They Work?

Dr. Pradeep Vangala | May 28, 2021

There are many supplements available in the market that claim to increase your libido. T-boosting supplements that promise to increase your testosterone level and even fertility are available over the counter. But, do they really work?



Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone produced by testicles. It plays an important role in the appearance and sexual development of men. Testosterone stimulates sperm production, erectile function, bone density, muscle mass, and men’s sex drive. 

Reduced testosterone hormone may result in reduced sexual drive and erectile dysfunction. It is commonly observed due to the change in lifestyle, work pressure, age factor, and other health factors such as blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Many of you might consider using a testosterone booster.  How do these testosterone boosters work? This article will help you to understand the science behind it.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is an androgen hormone that enhances the development of male characteristics such as masculinity, facial hair,  body mass, erectile function, deep voice, and muscle growth. It is a primary sex hormone in men; it is also present in females at very low levels.

It plays a major role in the development of;

  • muscle mass                  
  • bone density
  • hair growth and distribution
  • sex drive, also known as libido
  • reproductive tissue health in females
  • testicle and penis growth in males

Testosterone levels can be measured with a blood test. According to the American Urological Association (AUA), 300ng/dL is considered to be normal, and anything below 300ng/dL indicates low testosterone (1). However, the average blood testosterone level in men ranges between 270-1070ng/dL (2).

Generally, low testosterone occurs as men get older. According to a study by the National Institute of Health, in 20% of men at age 60s, 30% men at age 70, and 50% of men at age 80s, it was found that testosterone levels were gradually affected (3).

Low testosterone levels are also known as hypogonadism; in such conditions, male testes won't produce enough testosterone. Due to low testosterone levels, you may experience few symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass, low sex drive, reduced sleep, and hair loss (4).

What are Testosterone Boosters?

Testosterone booster or natural boosters are herbal supplements or chemical compounds that help to increase or improve sexual function, sexual drive, sperm count, erectile function, and body composition. Often people go for testosterone replacement therapy to treat hypogonadism (5). Few natural supplements are safe and can boost testosterone levels. 

Let's discuss few herbal and natural supplements that help to boost your testosterone;

1. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

It is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands; it helps to maintain testosterone and estrogen levels. DHEA is commonly taken as an anabolic steroid to boost your testosterone levels.  

Several studies suggest that DHEA supplements help to boost your testosterone levels with age (6). Some studies indicate that there were no evident effects on the testosterone levels after the usage of DHEA (7) (8).

Although the effects of DHEA are not well understood, it has been banned in professional sports (9).

2. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an herbal testosterone booster option, which is absolutely safe. According to studies, fenugreek affects your sexual function and quality of sexual life. A study was conducted on 60 men; they were administered 600mg of fenugreek for 6 weeks every day; it was observed that the testosterone levels gradually increased (10). Another study also suggests that fenugreek extract is safe and also enhances your testosterone levels (11)

In a study conducted in 2016, it was found that men who were administered with a fenugreek supplement had improved sexual functions and had more morning erections when compared to men who were not administered with the supplements. (12)

3. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha’s scientific name is Withania somnifera; it's an ancient Indian medicinal plant with various health benefits. A study suggests that men who took ashwagandha supplements for 16 weeks experienced a 15% increase in testosterone levels when compared to men who took a placebo (13).

Several studies reveal that ashwagandha is primarily used to reduce body stress and anxiety. It also has the benefits of increasing sperm quality in men with infertility problems (14).

In a study, men were administered with 5gms of ashwagandha every day for 3 months; it was observed that there was a 22% increase in testosterone levels and 14% of their partners were able to conceive. (15)

Experts suggest that ashwagandha increases testosterone in stressed individuals by reducing the stress hormone cortisol (16).

4. D-aspartic acid:

D-aspartic acid is a natural amino acid that boosts testosterone levels. Experts suggest that it increases follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which in turn stimulates Leydig cells in tests, which increases the production of more testosterone (17).

In a study, men with reduced sperm production were administered with D-aspartic acid for 90days; it was observed that the sperm count was doubled (18). Supplementing with this amino acid has been found to boost testosterone in some trials (19).

Potential Risk and Side Effects of Testosterone

There are several risk factors associated with testosterone boosters. Health supplements are loosely regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, due to which they might contain unreported ingredients. It is essential to check the ingredients and always go with a known brand (20).

It is crucial to take advice from your doctor or physician before you start any supplement; sometimes, testosterone boosters or testosterone replacement therapy can actually lower the natural testosterone levels in your body. For example, testosterone precursors in the body, such as prohormones, can reduce testosterone levels in your body. 

Testosterone boosters are not recommended to use by everyone; there is no evidence data that these testosterone boosters would work. Some of the boosters can cause you side effects like acne, gynecomastia, kidney damage, and mood swings. 

Before you use the testosterone boosters, consult a doctor and get your testosterone levels checked. If you don’t have lower testosterone levels, you do not require testosterone boosters; if you have low testosterone levels, then it's better to do some modification in your lifestyle and ask for TRT with your healthcare provider.

According to the Endocrine Society, testosterone therapy is recommended to people with testosterone deficiency. In the case of men over 65, it is recommended to take the advice of the doctor regarding the risk and benefits of the therapy before undertaking the treatment (21) (22).

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy is available in different forms. All these can improve testosterone levels;

  • Transdermal patch: it is a skin patch worn on the arm or upper body, and it is applied once a day (23).
  • Topical Gels: Androgel and Testim are commonly used topical gel, applied once a day, and it is absorbed easily (24).
  • Buccal Tablets: Striant is a buccal testosterone tablet; it releases testosterone in a pulsatile manner similar to endogenous secretion (25).
  • Implantable pellets: Testosterone is formulated in the form of pellets, and it can be surgically implanted; it releases testosterone gradually up to six months (26).

Final Words

Decreased testosterone might be due to various reasons such as work stress, lifestyle, underlying health problems such as cardio, diabetes, and blood pressure, or relationship problems. Supplements can boost sex drive for some; it is suggested to ask your healthcare provider before you take any supplements. Exercise, mediation, and staying fit with more physical activities also helps.

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