Vitamin K is a group of fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins are considered essential co-factors during the production of various proteins involved in coagulation homeostasis and calcium homeostasis. Vitamin K group plays a vital role in bone health, blood clotting, and cardiovascular health.

Although vitamin K2 is little known among the other vitamins such as vitamin A, D, B, and C, it plays a significant role in regulating your health. It has the potential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and prostate cancer. This article summarizes the key evidence on the health benefits of vitamin K2.
What is Vitamin K2?
Vitamin K was discovered by Henrik Dam in 1932. It is a fat-soluble vitamin; that can be absorbed by fat in your diet and stored in organs such as the liver and fat tissue when it’s not in use. Vitamin K is known for its role in blood coagulation and bone metabolism (1).
Vitamin K is of two kinds:
1. Phylloquinone Vitamin K1, which is primarily found in green leafy vegetables,
2. Menaquinones Vitamin K2 is found in animal foods, fermented dairy products such as cheese, and fermented soybeans.
Both vitamin K1 and K2 are used to make coagulation factors in the liver. Vitamin K2 is the most biologically active form and has a longer half-life.
Vitamin K2 is further divided into menaquinone-7 (MK-7), which is naturally found in animal foods, and menaquinone-4(MK-4) that is synthetically produced. Even though vitamin K deficiency is a rare instance in the United States, consuming vitamin K through diet is steadily declining, and the American diet containing more processed food does not have enough vitamin K (2) (3).
How Does Vitamin K2 Work?
Vitamin K2 activates and monitors proteins that play a vital role in blood clotting, heart health, and calcium metabolism. It helps to promote the calcification of bones, prevents the calcification of blood vessels and kidneys. Hence, it plays a vital role in the regulation of calcium deposition (4) (5).
Many experts suggest that vitamin K2 plays an essential role in blood vessel calcification compared with vitamin K1 (6). Studies indicate that vitamin k2 supplements help to improve bone and heart health, while vitamin K1 has no significant benefits (7).
Vitamin K2 is essential for the formation of matrix Gla protein (MGP). Blood vessels help to produce this protein, and this protein prevents calcium deposition on their walls. MGP protein prevents the occurrence of vascular calcification and blockages (8).
Vitamin K2 Sources
The best way to get vitamin K2 naturally is through your diet. Dietary sources of vitamin K2 include chicken meat, liver, egg yolks, dairy products, and soybeans. It is also available as Vitamin K2 supplements, multivitamin tablets, and multivitamin syrup.
According to the NIH, the daily intake of vitamin K(1 and 2) for men is 120mcg, and for women, it is 90mcg. Excessive intake of vitamin K1 and K2 is not advisable as it may cause various side effects (9).
Vitamin K2 Health Benefits
Here are some of the important health benefits of vitamin K2;
1. Improves Heart Health
Vitamin k2 reduces the calcium deposition in arteries of the heart, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (10) (11).
Vitamin k dependent proteins help to inhibit vascular calcification. A study was conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of vitamin K1 and K2. Around 16000 women aged between 45-70 years with no risk of cardiovascular diseases were divided into two groups; one was advised to have vitamin K1 and MK-7, MK-8, and MK-9. It was observed that a high intake of menaquinones such as MK-7, Mk-8, and MK-9 was able to reduce coronary heart diseases, whereas vitamin K1 was not so effective (12).
Another study revealed that long-term consumption of vitamin k2 rich foods of around 25ug/day could reduce the risk of people dying from heart disease by 57%, reduces coronary heart diseases by 41%, and reduces arterial calcification by 52% (13).
Cardiovascular diseases remain a global concern. To prevent the risk, you must follow a healthy diet with all the essential vitamins.
2. Supports Bone Health
Calcium deficiency or inadequate amount of calcium intake can lead to decreased bone mineral density and cause osteoporosis. This can lead to bone fractures and pores in the bone.
Osteoporosis is a common problem in western countries. It is commonly observed in old age people. Vitamin k2 in your diet plays a vital role in calcium metabolism, found in bone and teeth. It activates the calcium-binding actions of two proteins, namely MGP (Matrix GLA Protein) protein, and osteocalcin; this is required to build and maintain the health of bones (14) (15).
According to a study, vitamin K2 MK-7 supplements helped postmenopausal women to prevent bone loss. These supplements significantly improved age-related bone-mineral density and bone strength (16).
A study was conducted to analyze the role of vitamin K2 supplements on bone density and the rate of fractures. It was observed that vitamin k2 reduced the risk of vertebral fractures by 60%, non-vertebral fractures by 81%, and hip fractures by 77% (17).
Although vitamin K2 may prevent osteoporosis and improve bone health, the FDA has not given any recommendations. To recommend vitamin K2 as a healthy supplement for osteoporosis there is a need for extensive research work and clinical data (18).
3. Helps Maintain Dental Health
Vitamin K2 plays an essential role in activating osteocalcin; this protein is responsible for bone metabolism and maintaining dental strength (19).
Osteocalcin protein stimulates the growth of new dentin; it promotes the activation of calcified tissue that lies below tooth enamel. Studies have shown that vitamin K2 also reduces the risk of tooth decay (20).
4. Reduces the Risk of Cancer
Every 1 in 3 people are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime; it’s becoming the common cause of death in western countries. Although there are advanced treatment options available now, the rate of new cases is increasing daily.
Prevention is better than a cure; hence prevention strategies are crucial to tackling cancer. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of cancer.
According to a study, vitamin K2 reduces the risk of recurrence of liver cancer and increases the survival rate (21) (22).
A study conducted among 11000 men who were advised to vitamin K2 supplements showed a 63% lower risk of prostate cancer (23).
Vitamin K Supplements and Side Effects
Vitamin K can interact with few drugs and cause side effects. Warfarin stops the activity of Vitamin K by inhibiting an enzyme that activates it. This reduces the ability to produce clotting factors (24).
If you overdose with vitamin k supplements, it can reduce the effectiveness of warfarin; it may increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism.
If you are on antibiotics or weight loss supplements, these drugs may reduce vitamin K absorption in the body. Consult your healthcare provider, discuss the drugs you’re currently taking, and ask if your body needs vitamin K supplements. Try to include vitamin K in your diet every day.
Final Words
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient required for your body. Vitamin K1 and K2 play a vital role in blood coagulation, bone health, and heart health. You must include vitamin K-rich foods in your diet. If your family has a cardiac disease history, then experts suggest taking vitamin K2 supplements to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Consult your healthcare provider before you consider taking vitamin K Tablets.